Fashion After 50 Trash of Treasure: 6 Things to KEEP and 3 to TOSS


How can mature women improve their wardrobe by considering which items they should keep and which they should donate or toss?

Today, Margaret Manning of Sixty and Me speaks to fashion blogger Patti Gibbons. As a former psychotherapist, Patti says she has always been interested in people and why they do or act the way they do. While this might seem incongruous with her fashion blogger identity, it isn’t.

She notes that women tend to hold on to some items longer than they should because of associated memories – memories of a place or a person, or perhaps even memories of the person they once were.

There comes a time, however, when we should go through our closets and make some hard decisions.

6 Things to Keep in Your Wardrobe

“I would keep my wonderful husband, my good health, and my cats!” Patti quips while admitting that she keeps none of those items in her closet.

When we reach our 50s and 60s, we know ourselves quite well. We know what we like and what styles and colors work for us. Her suggestions for items women should consider keeping in their closets include:

Any item that you feel is useful or beautiful, such as silk thermal tops or a brocade dress that always gets you a compliment.

Family heirlooms you can’t part with. This would include wedding dresses or quilts that have been passed down for several generations.

Those super comfortable walking shoes. You will probably need them to take you on new adventures and travels in your retirement years!

Your favorite, go-to item, whatever it might be. For some women, this is a jacket, coat, scarf, or hat.

Any item that you always seem to take with you because you know it will work for you should definitely remain in your closet.

There are other items that women will want to keep, and these will vary from person to person, especially when you take climate into consideration.

3 Things to Toss (or Recycle)

If at all possible, consider donating used items which are still in good condition. When you find items that are truly worn out, think about all the good things that item has done for you in the past, feel a bit of gratitude, and then toss it away.

Some items that many women have in their closets and are probably ready to hit the road would be:

Anything that is too small or is uncomfortable for whatever reason. What woman doesn’t have something in her closet that she plans on wearing “when I lose 20 pounds”? Don’t wait! Recycle that item and if you should lose weight, buy something new and fabulous!

Painful shoes. The mature woman is done wearing shoes that hurt! There are many, many styles of beautiful footwear available. Invest in some new shoes and you won’t regret it.

Lingerie that has seen better days. While we enjoy being comfortable, no one wants to wear lingerie that looks ratty. Time to indulge in some lingerie that makes you look and feel stunning!

There Were Many More Suggestions

Margaret and Patti were having so much fun in this video that they offered more than just 3 suggesting for items that should be tossed. If you haven’t watched the video, you simply must do it now!

How Much Do You Love It?

It’s time to open your closet and take out everything you love. Now, look at the remaining items and ask yourself, “How much do I really want this?”

What do you think of these suggestions? Are there things you would add to the list of items to keep? How about items to toss? Join in the conversation – we would love to hear your thoughts!

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