5 Breakfast Ideas That Will Energize Your Day


The biggest chemical reaction that your body experiences in a day is from the food that you put into it. Therefore, quality counts. And so does the very first thing that you eat each day.

Eating a healthy breakfast does two things for your health. First, it keeps your blood sugar level stable, which in turn keeps you from being ravenous by lunchtime. Also, it helps you function at maximum mental and physical capacity because your body is running on clean fuel.

Grab and Go Breakfast Ideas

Some people don’t like to eat first thing in the morning, or they don’t have the time. For those people, I recommend keeping breakfast snacks in their fridge so that they can take the food with them. These may be:

  • Baggies of nuts and dried fruit
  • Yoghurt cups (get the kind without sugar)
  • Hard boiled eggs
  • Baggies of sliced veggies, like celery, carrots and jicama

Also, putting a teaspoon of coconut oil in your morning coffee or tea will stave off hunger and help you ease into your day if you are going to eat later.

Breakfast Salad

I love an energizing salad for breakfast. Chopped lettuce, chopped tomato, ¼ of an avocado, two medium boiled or hard-boiled eggs.

I prefer the medium boiled because the yolks and the avocado coat the mixture like a dressing when you mix it all up. If you use dressing, just use olive oil and a splash of vinegar.


Smoothies are a great breakfast, but only when you make them yourself. Smoothies from fast food places usually have added sugar or corn syrup.

In a blender, use blueberries, a can of low-fat coconut milk, 4 drops of stevia, a few frozen peaches, and a couple scoops of protein powder. Add ice to desired consistency.

You can use some natural fiber too, like one teaspoon of flax seeds. A tablespoon of almond butter will give the smoothie a crunchy taste and digest slower so that you are not hungry before lunch.

Eggs and Greens

In a skillet with a little oil, throw in some chopped chard and a small chopped yellow squash. Add a little water and simmer for about three minutes. Add two eggs and cook until desired consistency. Nutrition dense, low on calories.

Garnett Yams and Quinoa

Garnett Yams and quinoa is one of my favorite winter breakfasts. I do some food prep over the weekends, so that I always have something healthy and nutritious in my refrigerator and cupboards.

I cook up some quinoa and bake Garnett yams, which can easily be stored and used any time during the week for any meal.

Garnett yams

Cut off the ends and then bake on cookie sheet lined with parchment paper for an hour at 350 degrees or until soft to the touch.


Put one cup dried quinoa in a saucepan. Pour 2 ¼ cups of water into the pan and bring to boil. Turn to lowest flame and cover, leaving the lid slightly ajar so that steam can escape. The quinoa should cook and fluff up in about 20 minutes. You can also follow the directions on the box.

For a delicious breakfast, put some quinoa in a bowl and ½ of a cooked & peeled Garnett yam. Mush it all together and throw in some almonds or other nuts and a little coconut oil, if you like.

The breakfast meal should be an energizing experience. Stay away from sugar and baked goods. Keep some vegetable juice on hand to wash down your meal.

Though I am not the biggest fan of on-the-go eating, you can have a nutritious breakfast with a cup of vegetable juice (V-8 style), a couple of hard-boiled eggs and a handful of nuts.

What you put into your body first thing is important and so is what you put into your head and your heart first thing.

Remember what Alice from the Looking Glass said: “Feed your head.” If you can make the time to get up a little earlier, greet the day with gratitude and sit down and share breakfast with a partner, great! Ask each other “What’s in your heart today?” That makes for beautiful conversation.

And if you are eating breakfast alone, like so many working people are, do it while reading something inspirational that will inspire you to be kinder to yourself and others throughout the day.

Do you have a favorite breakfast food? Or a breakfast routine? Please share with us in the comments below.

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